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About Maegan

Maegan A. Carberry is a leader in media, politics, art, and academics.

They are passionate about securing equal rights for all people and work toward social justice in every project they take on. These values have continually positioned them at the forefront of change. Currently, Maegan is a PhD student in Communication at The University of New Mexico researching how activists can leverage artificial intelligence. Go Lobos! They also lead communications for Equality New Mexico, a statewide LGBTQ advocacy organization. 


Maegan served as Arianna Huffington’s Chief of Staff in the early days of The Huffington Post, launched Variety’s Wilshire and Washington podcast about Hollywood and politics, registered hundreds of thousands of young people as Communications Director of Rock the Vote, and was the Founding Curator of Upworthy. They began their career as a reporter for The Chicago Tribune and have written for many esteemed publications. They appeared as a regular analyst for FOX Business with Neil Cavuto and CNN for OutFront’s Strike Team. Maegan has spoken for innovative organizations like the Paley Center for Media, and taught courses at USC's Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism. 


Maegan's most personal work is with birdbrain, a non-profit they founded with their mother, Dianna. The organization makes clothing, art therapy kits, and education materials for people impacted by sexual trauma. Download the free birdbrain self-help workbook here.


Maegan was raised in San Diego, which explains their love of tie dye and volleyball. They graduated from UCLA and Northwestern's Medill School of Journalism. Go Bruins! Grrrr Wildcats! They live in Albuquerque with their cute cats Cinna and Lee Alexander McQueen.



  • Never ask about the impending robot takeover or you'll be trapped for hours.

  • Be sure to bring a Fountain Diet Coke to the meeting to impress them.


Keep up with Maegan on their blog. It's right here and it's riveting.



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© 2016 by Maegan Amanda.

3960 West Point Loma Blvd #356 San Diego CA 92110

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